Important Tips To Find A Lovely Wedding Band

Important Tips To Find A Lovely Wedding Band - Aydins Jewelry

When it comes to jewelry, engagement rings with their gleaming diamonds and vibrant gemstones reign supreme, but don't overlook your wedding band. After all, this is the piece that will genuinely transform your relationship and your life; a traditional and timeless piece that will signify your commitment and be worn every day for the rest of your life.

If you already own an engagement ring, you'll want to think about the metal content. Your wedding band should be made of the same metal alloy as your engagement ring.

You might want to consider having your bands welded together, depending on your lifestyle. This will keep them from rubbing and scratching each other, extending the life of the rings and lowering maintenance costs.

Here are some types of wedding bands to look at and what to note before getting them:


Yellow Gold Wedding Band

Yellow Gold Wedding Band

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24K gold is a delicate metal that isn't usually used for jewelry. If your ring is made of gold, it is most likely 14K gold or 18K gold, which means that pure gold has been blended with other stronger metals to form an alloy; 18K includes more gold, but 14K is more durable due to its greater alloy content.


White Rose Wedding Band

White Rose Wedding Band

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Most white gold isn't genuinely white, despite how it appears in stores. White gold, like its yellow sibling, is an alloy made of pure 24K gold. As a result, white gold has a slight "yellow" hue to it.

The pure white color that we adore is created by plating rhodium onto the gold, giving it the appearance of platinum without the cost. Depending on the quality of your ring and your lifestyle, the rhodium will eventually wear away, revealing the slightly yellow-toned gold beneath.


Platinum Wedding Bands

Platinum Wedding Bands

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Despite the fact that most brides adore the beauty of platinum, only a small percentage of them have a platinum engagement ring and wedding band. This is due to the fact that platinum is extremely scarce and extremely powerful, making it extremely expensive. Platinum is a good choice because it is slightly tougher than pure iron for people with skin sensitivities.


Tungsten, Titanium and Sterling Silver wedding bands

Silver wedding bands

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More exotic metals, such as tungsten, titanium, and stainless steel, have grown in favor during the last decade. Men choose these classic wedding rings because of their tough design and deeper gold or silver-toned metal, which can incorporate diamonds, silver, carbon fiber, wood, and a variety of other inlays. While these rings are extremely durable, it should be noted that they cannot be resized and cannot be cut in an emergency; instead, they must be broken off.


Carbon Fiber wedding bands for men

Carbon Fiber wedding bands

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Designs that integrate matte black carbon fiber into a gold band are currently in high demand and for good reasons. It is an excellent choice for men who want something very different and a higher quality.


Dinosaur Bones Fossils

Dinosaur Bones Bands

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Dinosaur Bone is pulverized and inlaid into a groove in the band, then sealed with a medical-grade resin. Finally, the ring is sanded to a smooth and polished finish, giving it a lustrous sheen.

They are simple to care for and don't require any extra attention. You shouldn't have to spend another 135 million years sustaining them after nature has already spent 135 million years making them. Regular jewelry cleaning can be used to clean them.